Course Overview

Course Description: This course will cover the principles and practices of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Students will learn how to create and optimize PPC campaigns, select keywords, write compelling ad copy, and analyze campaign data to improve performance.

Course Objectives:

Understand the fundamentals of PPC advertising

Learn how to set up and manage PPC campaigns

Gain proficiency in selecting effective keywords and writing compelling ad copy

Learn how to track and analyze campaign performance

Understand advanced PPC techniques, such as remarketing and display advertising

James Killer

Founder, Edilta

Next Batch Start

5th May 2023

Program Duration

10-12 Hours

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Course Curriculum

Overview of PPC advertising

Benefits and drawbacks of PPC advertising

The role of PPC in digital marketing

Understanding PPC networks and platforms

Understanding keywords and their importance in PPC advertising

How to research and select effective keywords

Keyword match types and their implications

Negative keywords and how to use them effectively

Writing compelling ad copy

Ad format and structure

Ad extensions and how to use them

Best practices for ad copy optimization

Campaign structure and organization

Budgeting and bidding strategies

Targeting options and settings

Ad scheduling and rotation

Metrics to track and measure campaign performance

Tools and techniques for tracking and analyzing data

Interpreting data and making data-driven decisions

Adjusting campaigns for optimal performance

Remarketing and display advertising

Dynamic ad creation and testing

Advanced bidding strategies

Ad testing and optimization

Students will create and manage a PPC campaign for a fictional business or organization, applying the principles and techniques learned throughout the course. The final project will include a campaign report, outlining the campaign’s performance and analysis of data to identify opportunities for optimization.

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