Course Overview

The Healthy Cooking Workshop is a comprehensive course designed to introduce participants to the basics of healthy cooking. This workshop will cover the fundamentals of nutrition, healthy food preparation techniques, meal planning, and recipe modification to create healthy, flavorful meals.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Understand the fundamentals of nutrition and how to incorporate healthy ingredients into their meals

Develop skills in healthy food preparation techniques, including roasting, grilling, baking, sautéing, and steaming

Create balanced meal plans that meet dietary guidelines and personal preferences

Modify recipes to reduce unhealthy ingredients and increase nutrient density

Understand the principles of food safety and hygiene when handling and preparing food

James Killer

Founder, Edilta

Next Batch Start

Coming Soon

Program Duration

3 Months

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Course Curriculum

The Healthy Cooking Workshop will be divided into the following modules:

Nutrition basics and the role of healthy eating in overall health

Identifying healthy ingredients

Understanding dietary guidelines

Roasting, grilling, baking, sautéing, and steaming techniques

Substituting unhealthy ingredients with healthier alternatives

Understanding the importance of portion control

Developing balanced meal plans that meet dietary guidelines and personal preferences

Creating shopping lists for healthy meals

Understanding the importance of meal prep and planning

Modifying recipes to reduce unhealthy ingredients and increase nutrient density

Swapping ingredients for healthier alternatives

Adapting recipes for special dietary needs

Understanding the principles of food safety and hygiene

Handling and preparing food safely

Proper storage and disposal of food

The Healthy Cooking Workshop will be delivered through a combination of lectures, hands-on cooking demonstrations, and interactive discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their cooking skills and apply the knowledge learned in the course.

Assessment for this course will be based on class participation, completion of cooking assignments, and a final project where participants will develop and present a healthy meal plan.

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