Prevention of Sexual Harassment - Skill Building Workshop for Members of the Internal Committee (IC)

Join us for a comprehensive workshop focused on preventing harassment in the workplace.

  • Category Organization Management
Prevention of Sexual Harassment - Skill Building Workshop for Members of the Internal Committee (IC)

What you'll learn

  • This workshop is designed to equip Internal Committee members with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to effectively handle complaints of sexual harassment in compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, an

Course Syllabus

Key Components:
  • concise and actionable reports.";i:23;s:58:"Making recommendations and following up on implementation.";i:24;s:30:"Dealing with false complaints.";i:25;s:44:"Balancing confidentiality with transparency.";i:26;s:44:"Balancing confidentiality with transparency.";i:27;s:40:"Addressing retaliation or victimization.";}
  • respondents and witnesses.";i:21;s:50:"Evaluating evidence and maintaining documentation.";i:22;s:48:"Drafting clear
  • tenure and functions of the IC.";i:6;s:45:"Employee rights and employer responsibilities";i:7;s:39:"Receiving and acknowledging complaints.";i:8;s:45:"Ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation.";i:9;s:36:"Conducting fair
  • unbiased decisions).";i:20;s:82:"Techniques for conducting interviews with complainants
  • unbiased inquiries.";i:10;s:46:"Recommending corrective actions and penalties.";i:11;s:40:"Preparing and submitting annual reports.";i:12;s:42:"Step-by-step guide to handling complaints:";i:13;s:37:"Receiving and documenting complaints.";i:14;s:31:"Assessing prima facie evidence.";i:15;s:58:"Informing both parties about their rights and the process.";i:16;s:60:"Conducting informal resolution (conciliation) if applicable.";i:17;s:36:"Initiating formal inquiry if needed.";i:18;s:40:"Timelines for each stage as per the Act.";i:19;s:65:"Principles of natural justice (fair hearing
  • a:28:{i:0;s:66:"Importance of the PoSH Act and its relevance in Indian workplaces.";i:1;s:60:"Role of the IC in fostering a safe and respectful workplace.";i:2;s:64:"Consequences of non-compliance for organizations and IC members.";i:3;s:41:"Objectives and key provisions of the Act.";i:4;s:42:"Definition and scope of sexual harassment.";i:5;s:44:"Composition
Interactive Activities
  • a:3:{i:0;s:54:"Case Studies: Analyze and discuss real-life scenarios.";i:1;s:59:"Role-Playing: Practice conducting interviews and inquiries.";i:2;s:64:"Group Discussions: Share experiences and discuss best practices.";}

Course Syllabus

  • Importance of the PoSH Act and its relevance in Indian workplaces.
  • Role of the IC in fostering a safe and respectful workplace.
  • Consequences of non-compliance for organizations and IC members.
  • Objectives and key provisions of the Act.
  • Definition and scope of sexual harassment.
  • Composition, tenure and functions of the IC.
  • Employee rights and employer responsibilities
  • Receiving and acknowledging complaints.
  • Ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation.
  • Conducting fair, unbiased inquiries.
  • Recommending corrective actions and penalties.
  • Preparing and submitting annual reports.
  • Step-by-step guide to handling complaints:
  • Receiving and documenting complaints.
  • Assessing prima facie evidence.
  • Informing both parties about their rights and the process.
  • Conducting informal resolution (conciliation) if applicable.
  • Initiating formal inquiry if needed.
  • Timelines for each stage as per the Act.
  • Principles of natural justice (fair hearing, unbiased decisions).
  • Techniques for conducting interviews with complainants, respondents and witnesses.
  • Evaluating evidence and maintaining documentation.
  • Drafting clear, concise and actionable reports.
  • Making recommendations and following up on implementation.
  • Dealing with false complaints.
  • Balancing confidentiality with transparency.
  • Balancing confidentiality with transparency.
  • Addressing retaliation or victimization.

  • Case Studies: Analyze and discuss real-life scenarios.
  • Role-Playing: Practice conducting interviews and inquiries.
  • Group Discussions: Share experiences and discuss best practices.


  • Laptop
  • Good wifi


Harassment Prevention - Skill Building Workshop for Internal Committee Members

During this workshop, participants will learn strategies and best practices for identifying, addressing, and preventing harassment in the workplace. Through interactive activities and case studies, attendees will develop the necessary skills to create a safe and respectful work environment for all employees. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your abilities as an IC member and contribute to a positive workplace culture. Register now for the Harassment Prevention - Skill Building Workshop. Workshop Objectives: Deeply understand the PoSH Act, 2013, and its provisions. Clarify the roles, responsibilities, and powers of the Internal Committee (IC). Equip IC members with skills to handle complaints sensitively, fairly, and lawfully. Build competence in conducting inquiries and documenting findings.

Who this course is for:

  • PoSH Compliance and Skill Building for members of the IC

Meet your instructors


Sanjay Jagtiani


Sanjay is a highly regarded trainer specializing in the prevention of sexual harassment in India. With seven years of extensive experience in this area, Sanjay has emerged as a trusted authority, helping organizations navigate the complexities of workplace dynamics and foster cultures of respect and...


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Course Syllabus

  • Importance of the PoSH Act and its relevance in Indian workplaces.
  • Role of the IC in fostering a safe and respectful workplace.
  • Consequences of non-compliance for organizations and IC members.
  • Objectives and key provisions of the Act.
  • Definition and scope of sexual harassment.
  • Composition, tenure and functions of the IC.
  • Employee rights and employer responsibilities
  • Receiving and acknowledging complaints.
  • Ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation.
  • Conducting fair, unbiased inquiries.
  • Recommending corrective actions and penalties.
  • Preparing and submitting annual reports.
  • Step-by-step guide to handling complaints:
  • Receiving and documenting complaints.
  • Assessing prima facie evidence.
  • Informing both parties about their rights and the process.
  • Conducting informal resolution (conciliation) if applicable.
  • Initiating formal inquiry if needed.
  • Timelines for each stage as per the Act.
  • Principles of natural justice (fair hearing, unbiased decisions).
  • Techniques for conducting interviews with complainants, respondents and witnesses.
  • Evaluating evidence and maintaining documentation.
  • Drafting clear, concise and actionable reports.
  • Making recommendations and following up on implementation.
  • Dealing with false complaints.
  • Balancing confidentiality with transparency.
  • Balancing confidentiality with transparency.
  • Addressing retaliation or victimization.

  • Case Studies: Analyze and discuss real-life scenarios.
  • Role-Playing: Practice conducting interviews and inquiries.
  • Group Discussions: Share experiences and discuss best practices.

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Course Syllabus

Key Components:
  • concise and actionable reports.";i:23;s:58:"Making recommendations and following up on implementation.";i:24;s:30:"Dealing with false complaints.";i:25;s:44:"Balancing confidentiality with transparency.";i:26;s:44:"Balancing confidentiality with transparency.";i:27;s:40:"Addressing retaliation or victimization.";}
  • respondents and witnesses.";i:21;s:50:"Evaluating evidence and maintaining documentation.";i:22;s:48:"Drafting clear
  • tenure and functions of the IC.";i:6;s:45:"Employee rights and employer responsibilities";i:7;s:39:"Receiving and acknowledging complaints.";i:8;s:45:"Ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation.";i:9;s:36:"Conducting fair
  • unbiased decisions).";i:20;s:82:"Techniques for conducting interviews with complainants
  • unbiased inquiries.";i:10;s:46:"Recommending corrective actions and penalties.";i:11;s:40:"Preparing and submitting annual reports.";i:12;s:42:"Step-by-step guide to handling complaints:";i:13;s:37:"Receiving and documenting complaints.";i:14;s:31:"Assessing prima facie evidence.";i:15;s:58:"Informing both parties about their rights and the process.";i:16;s:60:"Conducting informal resolution (conciliation) if applicable.";i:17;s:36:"Initiating formal inquiry if needed.";i:18;s:40:"Timelines for each stage as per the Act.";i:19;s:65:"Principles of natural justice (fair hearing
  • a:28:{i:0;s:66:"Importance of the PoSH Act and its relevance in Indian workplaces.";i:1;s:60:"Role of the IC in fostering a safe and respectful workplace.";i:2;s:64:"Consequences of non-compliance for organizations and IC members.";i:3;s:41:"Objectives and key provisions of the Act.";i:4;s:42:"Definition and scope of sexual harassment.";i:5;s:44:"Composition
Interactive Activities
  • a:3:{i:0;s:54:"Case Studies: Analyze and discuss real-life scenarios.";i:1;s:59:"Role-Playing: Practice conducting interviews and inquiries.";i:2;s:64:"Group Discussions: Share experiences and discuss best practices.";}

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Sexual awareness