In this program, you will learn the fundamentals of web development and how to excel in this field.
Introduction to Web development and Excellence
Welcome to the Introduction to Web Development and Excellence course. By the end of this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of Web development basics, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also explore advanced applications such as UI & UX, speech recognition, AI, machine learning, pretrained neural network models, and social websites with databases. Join our workshop to delve into the world of Web development and acquire a deep understanding of key concepts. Develop your logic building skills and gain a thorough understanding of the basics of Web development. Learn about web designing concepts, User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) with Bootstrap. Master Java Script syntax, statements, and data structures. Discover concepts like Canvas, Events Handling, APIs, and Dynamic web elements. Create personal websites, blogs, and social websites using Bootstrap and databases. Take an application-based approach to learning advanced concepts such as NLP (Natural Language Processing), AI, machine learning, and pretrained neural network models with JavaScript.
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