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HR Business Partner Certification

HR Business Partner Certification

Enhance your HR skills and advance your career with our comprehensive HR Business Partner Certification Course.

  • Category People Management & HR
HR Business Partner Certification

What you'll learn

  • Structured approach to developing essential skills for aspiring HR Business Partners, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute strategically to their organizations.

Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to HR Business Partnering
Session 1: Overview of HR Business Partnering
  • a:3:{i:0;s:52:"Definition and role of an HR Business Partner (HRBP)";i:1;s:49:"Differences between traditional HR roles and HRBP";i:2;s:45:"Importance of HRBPs in organizational success";}
Session 2: Understanding the Business
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Aligning HR strategy with business goals";i:1;s:44:"Key business concepts every HRBP should know";i:2;s:40:"Tools for analyzing business performance";}
Week 2: Strategic HR Management
Session 3: Developing a Strategic Mindset
  • a:3:{i:0;s:34:"Strategic planning processes in HR";i:1;s:47:"Metrics and KPIs for measuring HR effectiveness";i:2;s:40:"Case studies on successful HR strategies";}
Session 4: Change Management
  • Kotter’s 8 Steps)";i:2;s:38:"Practical exercises on managing change";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:39:"The role of HR in organizational change";i:1;s:51:"Change management models (e.g.
Week 3: Talent Management and Development
Session 5: Workforce Planning
  • a:3:{i:0;s:43:"Techniques for effective workforce planning";i:1;s:47:"Identifying talent gaps and succession planning";i:2;s:34:"Tools for forecasting talent needs";}
Session 6: Learning and Development
  • a:3:{i:0;s:41:"Creating a culture of continuous learning";i:1;s:37:"Designing effective training programs";i:2;s:33:"Evaluating training effectiveness";}
Week 4: Employee Engagement and Culture
Session 7: Employee Engagement Strategies
  • a:3:{i:0;s:32:"Understanding engagement drivers";i:1;s:44:"Techniques for measuring employee engagement";i:2;s:41:"Developing action plans based on feedback";}
Session 8: Building Organizational Culture
  • a:3:{i:0;s:33:"The role of HR in shaping culture";i:1;s:53:"Strategies for fostering a positive workplace culture";i:2;s:50:"Case studies of organizations with strong cultures";}
Week 5: Performance Management
Session 9: Effective Performance Management Systems
  • a:3:{i:0;s:42:"Setting performance expectations and goals";i:1;s:38:"Continuous feedback vs. annual reviews";i:2;s:40:"Best practices in performance appraisals";}
Session 10: Managing Underperformance
  • a:3:{i:0;s:45:"Identifying and addressing performance issues";i:1;s:46:"Legal considerations in performance management";i:2;s:50:"Role-playing scenarios for difficult conversations";}
Week 6: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Session 11: Understanding DEI in the Workplace
  • and inclusion";i:1;s:38:"Legal frameworks and compliance issues";i:2;s:33:"Assessing current DEI initiatives";}
  • equity
  • a:3:{i:0;s:46:"Importance of diversity
Session 12: Implementing DEI Strategies
  • a:3:{i:0;s:26:"Creating a DEI action plan";i:1;s:39:"Measuring the impact of DEI initiatives";i:2;s:41:"Best practices from leading organizations";}
Week 7: HR Analytics and Technology
Session 13: Introduction to HR Analytics
  • a:3:{i:0;s:43:"Overview of HR analytics concepts and tools";i:1;s:33:"Data-driven decision-making in HR";i:2;s:30:"Key metrics for HRBPs to track";}
Session 14: Leveraging Technology in HR
  • ATS
  • LMS)";i:1;s:42:"Implementing HR tech solutions effectively";i:2;s:30:"Future trends in HR technology";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:49:"Overview of HR technology trends (e.g.
Week 8: Building Influence and Leadership Skills
Session 15: Effective Communication Skills for HRBPs
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Building relationships with stakeholders";i:1;s:38:"Communication strategies for influence";i:2;s:29:"Practicing negotiation skills";}
Session 16: Developing Leadership Presence
  • a:3:{i:0;s:48:"Understanding leadership styles and their impact";i:1;s:41:"Building credibility and trust as an HRBP";i:2;s:44:"Personal development plans for future growth";}
Additional Course Components:
  • case studies
  • reflection papers).";i:1;s:76:"Group Projects: Collaborative projects focusing on real-world HR challenges.";i:2;s:94:"Final Assessment: A project or presentation demonstrating the application of learned concepts.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:98:"Assignments: Weekly assignments related to session topics (e.g.

Course Syllabus

  • Definition and role of an HR Business Partner (HRBP)
  • Differences between traditional HR roles and HRBP
  • Importance of HRBPs in organizational success

  • Aligning HR strategy with business goals
  • Key business concepts every HRBP should know
  • Tools for analyzing business performance

  • Strategic planning processes in HR
  • Metrics and KPIs for measuring HR effectiveness
  • Case studies on successful HR strategies

  • The role of HR in organizational change
  • Change management models (e.g., Kotter’s 8 Steps)
  • Practical exercises on managing change

  • Techniques for effective workforce planning
  • Identifying talent gaps and succession planning
  • Tools for forecasting talent needs

  • Creating a culture of continuous learning
  • Designing effective training programs
  • Evaluating training effectiveness

  • Understanding engagement drivers
  • Techniques for measuring employee engagement
  • Developing action plans based on feedback

  • The role of HR in shaping culture
  • Strategies for fostering a positive workplace culture
  • Case studies of organizations with strong cultures

  • Setting performance expectations and goals
  • Continuous feedback vs. annual reviews
  • Best practices in performance appraisals

  • Identifying and addressing performance issues
  • Legal considerations in performance management
  • Role-playing scenarios for difficult conversations

  • Importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Legal frameworks and compliance issues
  • Assessing current DEI initiatives

  • Creating a DEI action plan
  • Measuring the impact of DEI initiatives
  • Best practices from leading organizations

  • Overview of HR analytics concepts and tools
  • Data-driven decision-making in HR
  • Key metrics for HRBPs to track

  • Overview of HR technology trends (e.g., ATS, LMS)
  • Implementing HR tech solutions effectively
  • Future trends in HR technology

  • Building relationships with stakeholders
  • Communication strategies for influence
  • Practicing negotiation skills

  • Understanding leadership styles and their impact
  • Building credibility and trust as an HRBP
  • Personal development plans for future growth

  • Assignments: Weekly assignments related to session topics (e.g., case studies, reflection papers).
  • Group Projects: Collaborative projects focusing on real-world HR challenges.
  • Final Assessment: A project or presentation demonstrating the application of learned concepts.


  • Good Wifi
  • Laptop


HR Business Partner Certification

The two-month HR Business Partner course outline breaks down the key competencies and skills required for effective HR business partnerships. The course spans eight weeks, with each week focusing on specific topics and activities.

  • Enroll in our HR Business Partner Certification course to enhance your skills and competencies in effective HR business partnerships.
  • The two-month course outline is designed to provide a comprehensive breakdown of key competencies required for success in HR business partnerships.
  • The course spans eight weeks, with each week dedicated to specific topics and activities to ensure a thorough understanding of the material.
  • Gain valuable knowledge and practical skills to excel in your role as an HR business partner.
  • Join us on this journey to elevate your career and make a significant impact in the field of human resources.

Who this course is for:

  • HR Professionals Looking to Enhance their Strategic Partnering Skills- Experience Range- 1 year to 10 years

Meet your instructors


K Santosh Kumar


Dadicated career support

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Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to HR Business Partnering
Session 1: Overview of HR Business Partnering
  • a:3:{i:0;s:52:"Definition and role of an HR Business Partner (HRBP)";i:1;s:49:"Differences between traditional HR roles and HRBP";i:2;s:45:"Importance of HRBPs in organizational success";}
Session 2: Understanding the Business
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Aligning HR strategy with business goals";i:1;s:44:"Key business concepts every HRBP should know";i:2;s:40:"Tools for analyzing business performance";}
Week 2: Strategic HR Management
Session 3: Developing a Strategic Mindset
  • a:3:{i:0;s:34:"Strategic planning processes in HR";i:1;s:47:"Metrics and KPIs for measuring HR effectiveness";i:2;s:40:"Case studies on successful HR strategies";}
Session 4: Change Management
  • Kotter’s 8 Steps)";i:2;s:38:"Practical exercises on managing change";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:39:"The role of HR in organizational change";i:1;s:51:"Change management models (e.g.
Week 3: Talent Management and Development
Session 5: Workforce Planning
  • a:3:{i:0;s:43:"Techniques for effective workforce planning";i:1;s:47:"Identifying talent gaps and succession planning";i:2;s:34:"Tools for forecasting talent needs";}
Session 6: Learning and Development
  • a:3:{i:0;s:41:"Creating a culture of continuous learning";i:1;s:37:"Designing effective training programs";i:2;s:33:"Evaluating training effectiveness";}
Week 4: Employee Engagement and Culture
Session 7: Employee Engagement Strategies
  • a:3:{i:0;s:32:"Understanding engagement drivers";i:1;s:44:"Techniques for measuring employee engagement";i:2;s:41:"Developing action plans based on feedback";}
Session 8: Building Organizational Culture
  • a:3:{i:0;s:33:"The role of HR in shaping culture";i:1;s:53:"Strategies for fostering a positive workplace culture";i:2;s:50:"Case studies of organizations with strong cultures";}
Week 5: Performance Management
Session 9: Effective Performance Management Systems
  • a:3:{i:0;s:42:"Setting performance expectations and goals";i:1;s:38:"Continuous feedback vs. annual reviews";i:2;s:40:"Best practices in performance appraisals";}
Session 10: Managing Underperformance
  • a:3:{i:0;s:45:"Identifying and addressing performance issues";i:1;s:46:"Legal considerations in performance management";i:2;s:50:"Role-playing scenarios for difficult conversations";}
Week 6: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Session 11: Understanding DEI in the Workplace
  • and inclusion";i:1;s:38:"Legal frameworks and compliance issues";i:2;s:33:"Assessing current DEI initiatives";}
  • equity
  • a:3:{i:0;s:46:"Importance of diversity
Session 12: Implementing DEI Strategies
  • a:3:{i:0;s:26:"Creating a DEI action plan";i:1;s:39:"Measuring the impact of DEI initiatives";i:2;s:41:"Best practices from leading organizations";}
Week 7: HR Analytics and Technology
Session 13: Introduction to HR Analytics
  • a:3:{i:0;s:43:"Overview of HR analytics concepts and tools";i:1;s:33:"Data-driven decision-making in HR";i:2;s:30:"Key metrics for HRBPs to track";}
Session 14: Leveraging Technology in HR
  • ATS
  • LMS)";i:1;s:42:"Implementing HR tech solutions effectively";i:2;s:30:"Future trends in HR technology";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:49:"Overview of HR technology trends (e.g.
Week 8: Building Influence and Leadership Skills
Session 15: Effective Communication Skills for HRBPs
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Building relationships with stakeholders";i:1;s:38:"Communication strategies for influence";i:2;s:29:"Practicing negotiation skills";}
Session 16: Developing Leadership Presence
  • a:3:{i:0;s:48:"Understanding leadership styles and their impact";i:1;s:41:"Building credibility and trust as an HRBP";i:2;s:44:"Personal development plans for future growth";}
Additional Course Components:
  • case studies
  • reflection papers).";i:1;s:76:"Group Projects: Collaborative projects focusing on real-world HR challenges.";i:2;s:94:"Final Assessment: A project or presentation demonstrating the application of learned concepts.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:98:"Assignments: Weekly assignments related to session topics (e.g.

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