Graphic Designer Intermediate

Enhance your graphic design skills with our Intermediate Graphic Design Course. This course is designed for individuals looking to take their design abilities to the next level.

  • Category Graphic Designing
Graphic Designer Intermediate

What you'll learn

  • Advanced Design Principles
  • Advanced Software Skills.
  • Branding & Identity Design
  • Advanced Print & Digital Design
  • UX/UI Design, Motion Graphics & Animation
  • Portfolio & Professional Projects (Ongoing)

Course Syllabus

Motion Graphic Designers wanting to add animation skills.
  • a:1:{i:0;s:116:"Objective: To refine your understanding of design fundamentals and elevate your ability to create impactful designs.";}
1. Complex Compositions
  • alignment
  • and proximity for clarity and focus.";}
  • and the rule of thirds.";i:2;s:68:"Using visual weight
  • layouts
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Creating balance and harmony in designs.";i:1;s:52:"Working with grids
2. Advanced Typography
  • spacing.";i:2;s:48:"Designing custom typography (basic letterforms).";}
  • weight
  • a:3:{i:0;s:36:"Exploring font pairing and contrast.";i:1;s:59:"Understanding typographic hierarchy: size
3. Color Theory
  • and saturation.";i:2;s:77:"Creating gradients and color palettes that reflect emotion or brand identity.";}
  • complementary.";i:1;s:44:"Color temperature
  • contrast
  • triadic
  • a:3:{i:0;s:60:"Advanced color harmonies: Analogous
4. Visual Storytelling
  • a:3:{i:0;s:45:"Developing a narrative using design elements.";i:1;s:75:"Creating flow through design: guiding the viewer’s eye across the layout.";i:2;s:60:"Use of symbolism and metaphors in design to enhance meaning.";}
Module 2: Advanced Software Skills (2–3 weeks)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:102:"Objective: To master industry-standard tools and learn advanced techniques in graphic design software.";}
1. Adobe Photoshop
  • advanced layer styles.";i:2;s:81:"Digital Painting & Custom Brushes: Techniques for creating digital illustrations.";i:3;s:77:"Advanced Textures & Effects: Adding texture to design and photo manipulation.";}
  • color grading.";i:1;s:67:"Masking & Layering: Non-destructive editing
  • composites
  • a:4:{i:0;s:67:"Advanced Image Manipulation: Retouching
2. Adobe Illustrator
  • a:3:{i:0;s:72:"Advanced Vector Illustration: Creating detailed logos and illustrations.";i:1;s:68:"Pathfinder Tool & Pen Tool: Advanced path creation and manipulation.";i:2;s:77:"Gradient Mesh & Blending Techniques: Complex gradients for realistic designs.";}
3. Adobe InDesign
  • and books with grids.";i:1;s:63:"Interactive PDFs: Adding buttons
  • and links to documents";i:2;s:67:"Master Pages & Styles: Creating reusable templates for consistency.";}
  • forms
  • magazines
  • a:3:{i:0;s:73:"Multi-Page Layouts: Designing brochures
4. UI/UX Design Tools (Figma, Adobe XD)
  • user-friendly designs.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:87:"Wireframing & Prototyping: Creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes.";i:1;s:79:"Responsive Web Design: Designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes.";i:2;s:74:"User-Centered Design: Best practices for intuitive
Module 3: Branding & Identity Design (1–2 weeks)
  • consistent visual identities.";}
  • a:1:{i:0;s:126:"Objective: To develop a deep understanding of brand identity and learn how to create compelling
1. Branding Fundamentals
  • packaging
  • social media).";i:1;s:54:"Creating mood boards to reflect a brand's core values.";i:2;s:61:"Understanding how design affects perception and brand loyalty";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:91:"The importance of visual consistency across touchpoints (website
2. Logo Design
  • and icon-only versions.";}
  • and refining logo designs.";i:1;s:69:"Vectorizing Logos: Using Illustrator to create clean
  • brainstorming
  • scalable logos.";i:2;s:86:"Logo Variations & Adaptations: Designing horizontal
  • vertical
  • a:3:{i:0;s:78:"Logo Concepts & Ideation: Sketching
3. Brand Guidelines
  • and color rules.";i:1;s:73:"Creating templates for business cards
  • and other collateral.";}
  • letterheads
  • typography
  • a:2:{i:0;s:76:"Developing a brand style guide with logo usage
4. Packaging Design
  • a:2:{i:0;s:52:"Understanding packaging for different product types.";i:1;s:80:"Design principles for retail and product packaging that stands out on the shelf.";}
Module 4: Advanced Print & Digital Design (1–2 weeks)
  • creating high-quality
  • responsive assets for various formats.";}
  • a:1:{i:0;s:108:"Objective: To master print and digital design
1. Print Design
  • and billboards.";i:2;s:82:"Print Production: Collaborating with printers and understanding print limitations.";}
  • and bleed.";i:1;s:61:"Designing brochures
  • business cards
  • color profiles
  • posters
  • a:3:{i:0;s:75:"Preparing Files for Printing: Understanding DPI
2. Digital Design
  • animated).";i:2;s:75:"UI Design for Websites: Applying design principles to interactive websites.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:85:"Responsive Web Design: Creating layouts that adapt across desktop and mobile screens.";i:1;s:84:"Banner Ads & Digital Campaigns: Designing for online advertising (static
3. High-End Photo Retouching
  • and saturation for visual appeal.";}
  • blemish removal.";i:1;s:93:"Color Correction & Enhancement: Adjusting levels
  • contrast
  • a:2:{i:0;s:74:"Beauty Retouching: Advanced techniques in skin smoothing
Module 5: UX/UI Design (1–2 weeks)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:119:"Objective: To learn how to design intuitive user interfaces and create positive user experiences for websites and apps.";}
1. Wireframing & Prototyping
  • a:2:{i:0;s:67:"Wireframing: Designing basic layouts to structure websites or apps.";i:1;s:92:"Prototyping in Figma/Adobe XD: Creating interactive prototypes to simulate user interaction.";}
2. Responsive Web Design
  • then scaling up.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:83:"Creating fluid grids and layouts that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.";i:1;s:80:"Mobile-First Design: Building designs for mobile devices first
3. User-Centered Design
  • and creating user flows.";i:1;s:63:"Best practices for designing intuitive
  • defining personas
  • easy-to-use interfaces.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:69:"Conducting user research
4. Design for Accessibility
  • and navigational elements for accessibility.";}
  • text size
  • a:2:{i:0;s:64:"Creating designs that are accessible to users with disabilities.";i:1;s:85:"Understanding color contrast
Module 6: Motion Graphics & Animation (1 week)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:103:"Objective: To understand the basics of motion graphics and apply animation to enhance your design work.";}
1. Motion Design Fundamentals
  • ease-in/ease-out).";i:1;s:77:"Animating Logos & Text: Creating dynamic logo animations using After Effects.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:87:"Animation Basics: Principles of motion design and animation (timing
2. Video Editing for Designers
  • a:2:{i:0;s:74:"Basic video editing techniques for social media posts and digital content.";i:1;s:49:"Creating promotional videos and animated banners.";}
3. Designing for Interactive Media
  • and gifs";}
  • and transitions.";i:1;s:58:"Design for interactive ads
  • icons
  • social media stories
  • a:2:{i:0;s:63:"Animating web elements such as buttons
Module 7: Portfolio Building & Professional Projects (Ongoing)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:101:"Objective: To showcase your skills and build a professional portfolio that highlights your best work.";}
1. Real-World Projects
  • and branding packages.";}
  • brochures
  • web pages
  • a:2:{i:0;s:68:"Take on real-life client briefs and challenges to apply your skills.";i:1;s:83:"Work on projects such as logo designs
2. Portfolio Development
  • a:2:{i:0;s:59:"Curate and organize your work for a professional portfolio.";i:1;s:98:"Learn how to present your process and final designs effectively to potential employers or clients.";}
3. Freelancing & Career Skills
  • and handling client feedback.";i:1;s:92:"Pricing & Contracts: How to set rates
  • and manage projects professionally.";i:2;s:106:"Job Search & Interviewing: Tips for finding design job opportunities and excelling in interviews.0-po;lkj.";}
  • create contracts
  • pitching
  • a:3:{i:0;s:93:"Finding Clients & Building Relationships: Networking

Course Syllabus

  • Objective: To refine your understanding of design fundamentals and elevate your ability to create impactful designs.

  • Creating balance and harmony in designs.
  • Working with grids, layouts, and the rule of thirds.
  • Using visual weight, alignment, and proximity for clarity and focus.

  • Exploring font pairing and contrast.
  • Understanding typographic hierarchy: size, weight, spacing.
  • Designing custom typography (basic letterforms).

  • Advanced color harmonies: Analogous, triadic, complementary.
  • Color temperature, contrast, and saturation.
  • Creating gradients and color palettes that reflect emotion or brand identity.

  • Developing a narrative using design elements.
  • Creating flow through design: guiding the viewer’s eye across the layout.
  • Use of symbolism and metaphors in design to enhance meaning.

  • Objective: To master industry-standard tools and learn advanced techniques in graphic design software.

  • Advanced Image Manipulation: Retouching, composites, color grading.
  • Masking & Layering: Non-destructive editing, advanced layer styles.
  • Digital Painting & Custom Brushes: Techniques for creating digital illustrations.
  • Advanced Textures & Effects: Adding texture to design and photo manipulation.

  • Advanced Vector Illustration: Creating detailed logos and illustrations.
  • Pathfinder Tool & Pen Tool: Advanced path creation and manipulation.
  • Gradient Mesh & Blending Techniques: Complex gradients for realistic designs.

  • Multi-Page Layouts: Designing brochures, magazines, and books with grids.
  • Interactive PDFs: Adding buttons, forms, and links to documents
  • Master Pages & Styles: Creating reusable templates for consistency.

  • Wireframing & Prototyping: Creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes.
  • Responsive Web Design: Designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • User-Centered Design: Best practices for intuitive, user-friendly designs.

  • Objective: To develop a deep understanding of brand identity and learn how to create compelling, consistent visual identities.

  • The importance of visual consistency across touchpoints (website, packaging, social media).
  • Creating mood boards to reflect a brand's core values.
  • Understanding how design affects perception and brand loyalty

  • Logo Concepts & Ideation: Sketching, brainstorming, and refining logo designs.
  • Vectorizing Logos: Using Illustrator to create clean, scalable logos.
  • Logo Variations & Adaptations: Designing horizontal, vertical, and icon-only versions.

  • Developing a brand style guide with logo usage, typography, and color rules.
  • Creating templates for business cards, letterheads, and other collateral.

  • Understanding packaging for different product types.
  • Design principles for retail and product packaging that stands out on the shelf.

  • Objective: To master print and digital design, creating high-quality, responsive assets for various formats.

  • Preparing Files for Printing: Understanding DPI, color profiles, and bleed.
  • Designing brochures, posters, business cards, and billboards.
  • Print Production: Collaborating with printers and understanding print limitations.

  • Responsive Web Design: Creating layouts that adapt across desktop and mobile screens.
  • Banner Ads & Digital Campaigns: Designing for online advertising (static, animated).
  • UI Design for Websites: Applying design principles to interactive websites.

  • Beauty Retouching: Advanced techniques in skin smoothing, blemish removal.
  • Color Correction & Enhancement: Adjusting levels, contrast, and saturation for visual appeal.

  • Objective: To learn how to design intuitive user interfaces and create positive user experiences for websites and apps.

  • Wireframing: Designing basic layouts to structure websites or apps.
  • Prototyping in Figma/Adobe XD: Creating interactive prototypes to simulate user interaction.

  • Creating fluid grids and layouts that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Mobile-First Design: Building designs for mobile devices first, then scaling up.

  • Conducting user research, defining personas, and creating user flows.
  • Best practices for designing intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces.

  • Creating designs that are accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Understanding color contrast, text size, and navigational elements for accessibility.

  • Objective: To understand the basics of motion graphics and apply animation to enhance your design work.

  • Animation Basics: Principles of motion design and animation (timing, ease-in/ease-out).
  • Animating Logos & Text: Creating dynamic logo animations using After Effects.

  • Basic video editing techniques for social media posts and digital content.
  • Creating promotional videos and animated banners.

  • Animating web elements such as buttons, icons, and transitions.
  • Design for interactive ads, social media stories, and gifs

  • Objective: To showcase your skills and build a professional portfolio that highlights your best work.

  • Take on real-life client briefs and challenges to apply your skills.
  • Work on projects such as logo designs, web pages, brochures, and branding packages.

  • Curate and organize your work for a professional portfolio.
  • Learn how to present your process and final designs effectively to potential employers or clients.

  • Finding Clients & Building Relationships: Networking, pitching, and handling client feedback.
  • Pricing & Contracts: How to set rates, create contracts, and manage projects professionally.
  • Job Search & Interviewing: Tips for finding design job opportunities and excelling in interviews.0-po;lkj.


  • Good wifi
  • Laptop


Graphic Designer Intermediate level

The Graphic Designer Intermediate course offers a comprehensive overview of advanced design techniques and principles. This course is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of graphic design and are looking to enhance their skills. In this course, students will learn advanced concepts in typography, color theory, layout design, and image manipulation. Through hands-on projects and assignments, students will develop their creative abilities and gain practical experience in the field of graphic design.

  • Advanced typography techniques
  • Color theory and its application in design
  • Layout design principles
  • Image manipulation using industry-standard software.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Graphic Designers seeking advanced skills.
  • Freelancers looking to refine their portfolio and client projects.
  • Marketing/Advertising Professionals who want to create better visual content.
  • UX/UI Designers aiming to improve interface design. and Web/App Designers wanting to master responsive layouts and prototyping.
  • Aspiring Brand Designers focused on logos and branding.

Meet your instructors


Chhaya Sharma


Dadicated career support

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board. Its a test

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.

Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.

Why enroll in this course?

Lead digital transformation in your organization by mastering the core concepts of generative artificial intelligence and its potential impact.

Master and integrate prompt engineering to optimize day-to-day tasks and automate workflows.

Foster an “AI friendly” culture in your organization by understanding the ethical aspects and the risks associated with the implementation of this technology.

Explore tools such as ChatGPT, as well as other emerging technologies, to improve productivity.

Interact with MIT experts, instructors, and peers in live synchronous sessions for a more comprehensive learning experience.

Access to rich supplementary resources provides additional materials and content for a more thorough educational journey.

Course Syllabus

  • Objective: To refine your understanding of design fundamentals and elevate your ability to create impactful designs.

  • Creating balance and harmony in designs.
  • Working with grids, layouts, and the rule of thirds.
  • Using visual weight, alignment, and proximity for clarity and focus.

  • Exploring font pairing and contrast.
  • Understanding typographic hierarchy: size, weight, spacing.
  • Designing custom typography (basic letterforms).

  • Advanced color harmonies: Analogous, triadic, complementary.
  • Color temperature, contrast, and saturation.
  • Creating gradients and color palettes that reflect emotion or brand identity.

  • Developing a narrative using design elements.
  • Creating flow through design: guiding the viewer’s eye across the layout.
  • Use of symbolism and metaphors in design to enhance meaning.

  • Objective: To master industry-standard tools and learn advanced techniques in graphic design software.

  • Advanced Image Manipulation: Retouching, composites, color grading.
  • Masking & Layering: Non-destructive editing, advanced layer styles.
  • Digital Painting & Custom Brushes: Techniques for creating digital illustrations.
  • Advanced Textures & Effects: Adding texture to design and photo manipulation.

  • Advanced Vector Illustration: Creating detailed logos and illustrations.
  • Pathfinder Tool & Pen Tool: Advanced path creation and manipulation.
  • Gradient Mesh & Blending Techniques: Complex gradients for realistic designs.

  • Multi-Page Layouts: Designing brochures, magazines, and books with grids.
  • Interactive PDFs: Adding buttons, forms, and links to documents
  • Master Pages & Styles: Creating reusable templates for consistency.

  • Wireframing & Prototyping: Creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes.
  • Responsive Web Design: Designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • User-Centered Design: Best practices for intuitive, user-friendly designs.

  • Objective: To develop a deep understanding of brand identity and learn how to create compelling, consistent visual identities.

  • The importance of visual consistency across touchpoints (website, packaging, social media).
  • Creating mood boards to reflect a brand's core values.
  • Understanding how design affects perception and brand loyalty

  • Logo Concepts & Ideation: Sketching, brainstorming, and refining logo designs.
  • Vectorizing Logos: Using Illustrator to create clean, scalable logos.
  • Logo Variations & Adaptations: Designing horizontal, vertical, and icon-only versions.

  • Developing a brand style guide with logo usage, typography, and color rules.
  • Creating templates for business cards, letterheads, and other collateral.

  • Understanding packaging for different product types.
  • Design principles for retail and product packaging that stands out on the shelf.

  • Objective: To master print and digital design, creating high-quality, responsive assets for various formats.

  • Preparing Files for Printing: Understanding DPI, color profiles, and bleed.
  • Designing brochures, posters, business cards, and billboards.
  • Print Production: Collaborating with printers and understanding print limitations.

  • Responsive Web Design: Creating layouts that adapt across desktop and mobile screens.
  • Banner Ads & Digital Campaigns: Designing for online advertising (static, animated).
  • UI Design for Websites: Applying design principles to interactive websites.

  • Beauty Retouching: Advanced techniques in skin smoothing, blemish removal.
  • Color Correction & Enhancement: Adjusting levels, contrast, and saturation for visual appeal.

  • Objective: To learn how to design intuitive user interfaces and create positive user experiences for websites and apps.

  • Wireframing: Designing basic layouts to structure websites or apps.
  • Prototyping in Figma/Adobe XD: Creating interactive prototypes to simulate user interaction.

  • Creating fluid grids and layouts that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Mobile-First Design: Building designs for mobile devices first, then scaling up.

  • Conducting user research, defining personas, and creating user flows.
  • Best practices for designing intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces.

  • Creating designs that are accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Understanding color contrast, text size, and navigational elements for accessibility.

  • Objective: To understand the basics of motion graphics and apply animation to enhance your design work.

  • Animation Basics: Principles of motion design and animation (timing, ease-in/ease-out).
  • Animating Logos & Text: Creating dynamic logo animations using After Effects.

  • Basic video editing techniques for social media posts and digital content.
  • Creating promotional videos and animated banners.

  • Animating web elements such as buttons, icons, and transitions.
  • Design for interactive ads, social media stories, and gifs

  • Objective: To showcase your skills and build a professional portfolio that highlights your best work.

  • Take on real-life client briefs and challenges to apply your skills.
  • Work on projects such as logo designs, web pages, brochures, and branding packages.

  • Curate and organize your work for a professional portfolio.
  • Learn how to present your process and final designs effectively to potential employers or clients.

  • Finding Clients & Building Relationships: Networking, pitching, and handling client feedback.
  • Pricing & Contracts: How to set rates, create contracts, and manage projects professionally.
  • Job Search & Interviewing: Tips for finding design job opportunities and excelling in interviews.0-po;lkj.

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Course Syllabus

Motion Graphic Designers wanting to add animation skills.
  • a:1:{i:0;s:116:"Objective: To refine your understanding of design fundamentals and elevate your ability to create impactful designs.";}
1. Complex Compositions
  • alignment
  • and proximity for clarity and focus.";}
  • and the rule of thirds.";i:2;s:68:"Using visual weight
  • layouts
  • a:3:{i:0;s:40:"Creating balance and harmony in designs.";i:1;s:52:"Working with grids
2. Advanced Typography
  • spacing.";i:2;s:48:"Designing custom typography (basic letterforms).";}
  • weight
  • a:3:{i:0;s:36:"Exploring font pairing and contrast.";i:1;s:59:"Understanding typographic hierarchy: size
3. Color Theory
  • and saturation.";i:2;s:77:"Creating gradients and color palettes that reflect emotion or brand identity.";}
  • complementary.";i:1;s:44:"Color temperature
  • contrast
  • triadic
  • a:3:{i:0;s:60:"Advanced color harmonies: Analogous
4. Visual Storytelling
  • a:3:{i:0;s:45:"Developing a narrative using design elements.";i:1;s:75:"Creating flow through design: guiding the viewer’s eye across the layout.";i:2;s:60:"Use of symbolism and metaphors in design to enhance meaning.";}
Module 2: Advanced Software Skills (2–3 weeks)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:102:"Objective: To master industry-standard tools and learn advanced techniques in graphic design software.";}
1. Adobe Photoshop
  • advanced layer styles.";i:2;s:81:"Digital Painting & Custom Brushes: Techniques for creating digital illustrations.";i:3;s:77:"Advanced Textures & Effects: Adding texture to design and photo manipulation.";}
  • color grading.";i:1;s:67:"Masking & Layering: Non-destructive editing
  • composites
  • a:4:{i:0;s:67:"Advanced Image Manipulation: Retouching
2. Adobe Illustrator
  • a:3:{i:0;s:72:"Advanced Vector Illustration: Creating detailed logos and illustrations.";i:1;s:68:"Pathfinder Tool & Pen Tool: Advanced path creation and manipulation.";i:2;s:77:"Gradient Mesh & Blending Techniques: Complex gradients for realistic designs.";}
3. Adobe InDesign
  • and books with grids.";i:1;s:63:"Interactive PDFs: Adding buttons
  • and links to documents";i:2;s:67:"Master Pages & Styles: Creating reusable templates for consistency.";}
  • forms
  • magazines
  • a:3:{i:0;s:73:"Multi-Page Layouts: Designing brochures
4. UI/UX Design Tools (Figma, Adobe XD)
  • user-friendly designs.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:87:"Wireframing & Prototyping: Creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes.";i:1;s:79:"Responsive Web Design: Designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes.";i:2;s:74:"User-Centered Design: Best practices for intuitive
Module 3: Branding & Identity Design (1–2 weeks)
  • consistent visual identities.";}
  • a:1:{i:0;s:126:"Objective: To develop a deep understanding of brand identity and learn how to create compelling
1. Branding Fundamentals
  • packaging
  • social media).";i:1;s:54:"Creating mood boards to reflect a brand's core values.";i:2;s:61:"Understanding how design affects perception and brand loyalty";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:91:"The importance of visual consistency across touchpoints (website
2. Logo Design
  • and icon-only versions.";}
  • and refining logo designs.";i:1;s:69:"Vectorizing Logos: Using Illustrator to create clean
  • brainstorming
  • scalable logos.";i:2;s:86:"Logo Variations & Adaptations: Designing horizontal
  • vertical
  • a:3:{i:0;s:78:"Logo Concepts & Ideation: Sketching
3. Brand Guidelines
  • and color rules.";i:1;s:73:"Creating templates for business cards
  • and other collateral.";}
  • letterheads
  • typography
  • a:2:{i:0;s:76:"Developing a brand style guide with logo usage
4. Packaging Design
  • a:2:{i:0;s:52:"Understanding packaging for different product types.";i:1;s:80:"Design principles for retail and product packaging that stands out on the shelf.";}
Module 4: Advanced Print & Digital Design (1–2 weeks)
  • creating high-quality
  • responsive assets for various formats.";}
  • a:1:{i:0;s:108:"Objective: To master print and digital design
1. Print Design
  • and billboards.";i:2;s:82:"Print Production: Collaborating with printers and understanding print limitations.";}
  • and bleed.";i:1;s:61:"Designing brochures
  • business cards
  • color profiles
  • posters
  • a:3:{i:0;s:75:"Preparing Files for Printing: Understanding DPI
2. Digital Design
  • animated).";i:2;s:75:"UI Design for Websites: Applying design principles to interactive websites.";}
  • a:3:{i:0;s:85:"Responsive Web Design: Creating layouts that adapt across desktop and mobile screens.";i:1;s:84:"Banner Ads & Digital Campaigns: Designing for online advertising (static
3. High-End Photo Retouching
  • and saturation for visual appeal.";}
  • blemish removal.";i:1;s:93:"Color Correction & Enhancement: Adjusting levels
  • contrast
  • a:2:{i:0;s:74:"Beauty Retouching: Advanced techniques in skin smoothing
Module 5: UX/UI Design (1–2 weeks)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:119:"Objective: To learn how to design intuitive user interfaces and create positive user experiences for websites and apps.";}
1. Wireframing & Prototyping
  • a:2:{i:0;s:67:"Wireframing: Designing basic layouts to structure websites or apps.";i:1;s:92:"Prototyping in Figma/Adobe XD: Creating interactive prototypes to simulate user interaction.";}
2. Responsive Web Design
  • then scaling up.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:83:"Creating fluid grids and layouts that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.";i:1;s:80:"Mobile-First Design: Building designs for mobile devices first
3. User-Centered Design
  • and creating user flows.";i:1;s:63:"Best practices for designing intuitive
  • defining personas
  • easy-to-use interfaces.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:69:"Conducting user research
4. Design for Accessibility
  • and navigational elements for accessibility.";}
  • text size
  • a:2:{i:0;s:64:"Creating designs that are accessible to users with disabilities.";i:1;s:85:"Understanding color contrast
Module 6: Motion Graphics & Animation (1 week)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:103:"Objective: To understand the basics of motion graphics and apply animation to enhance your design work.";}
1. Motion Design Fundamentals
  • ease-in/ease-out).";i:1;s:77:"Animating Logos & Text: Creating dynamic logo animations using After Effects.";}
  • a:2:{i:0;s:87:"Animation Basics: Principles of motion design and animation (timing
2. Video Editing for Designers
  • a:2:{i:0;s:74:"Basic video editing techniques for social media posts and digital content.";i:1;s:49:"Creating promotional videos and animated banners.";}
3. Designing for Interactive Media
  • and gifs";}
  • and transitions.";i:1;s:58:"Design for interactive ads
  • icons
  • social media stories
  • a:2:{i:0;s:63:"Animating web elements such as buttons
Module 7: Portfolio Building & Professional Projects (Ongoing)
  • a:1:{i:0;s:101:"Objective: To showcase your skills and build a professional portfolio that highlights your best work.";}
1. Real-World Projects
  • and branding packages.";}
  • brochures
  • web pages
  • a:2:{i:0;s:68:"Take on real-life client briefs and challenges to apply your skills.";i:1;s:83:"Work on projects such as logo designs
2. Portfolio Development
  • a:2:{i:0;s:59:"Curate and organize your work for a professional portfolio.";i:1;s:98:"Learn how to present your process and final designs effectively to potential employers or clients.";}
3. Freelancing & Career Skills
  • and handling client feedback.";i:1;s:92:"Pricing & Contracts: How to set rates
  • and manage projects professionally.";i:2;s:106:"Job Search & Interviewing: Tips for finding design job opportunities and excelling in interviews.0-po;lkj.";}
  • create contracts
  • pitching
  • a:3:{i:0;s:93:"Finding Clients & Building Relationships: Networking

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Graphic designing