French with Ease with Pranika Bindra.

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  • Category Language Courses
French with Ease with Pranika Bindra.

What you'll learn

  • A1 (Beginner)
  • A2 (Elementary)
  • B1 (Intermediate)

Course Syllabus

A1 LEVEL -Week 1: Introduction to French
  • a:5:{i:0;s:70:"Day 1 : Introduction to the French alphabet pronunciation and accents.";i:1;s:63:"Day 2: Greetings and farewells (*bonjour* *au revoir* *salut*).";i:2;s:109:"Day 3 Introducing yourself (name nationality) and asking for basic information (*Comment tu t’appelles ?*).";i:3;s:65:"Day 4 Numbers 0–20; days of the week; simple dialogue practice.";i:4;s:88:"Day 5: Grammar: Subject pronouns (*je tu il/elle*) present tense of *être* and *avoir*.";}
Week 2: Talking About Yourself
  • a:5:{i:0;s:50:"Day 1 : Vocabulary: Professions and nationalities.";i:1;s:51:"Day 2: Describing yourself (*Je suis étudiant/e*).";i:2;s:70:"Day 3: Family vocabulary and introducing others (*C’est mon père*).";i:3;s:82:"Day 4 : Grammar: Gender and number of nouns; possessive adjectives (*mon ma mes*).";i:4;s:87:"Day 5: Listening: Simple introductions; Writing: Describe yourself in 5–6 sentences.";}
Week 3: Daily Routines
  • a:5:{i:0;s:66:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Common activities (e.g. *manger* *travailler*).";i:1;s:52:"Day 2: Talking about your day using simple phrases.";i:2;s:68:"Day 3 : Grammar: Present tense of *-er* verbs (e.g. *parler jouer*).";i:3;s:62:"Day 4 : Time expressions (*le matin l’après-midi le soir*).";i:4;s:50:"Day 5: Speaking: Role-play describing your routine";}
Week 4: Shopping and Numbers**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:69:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Food clothing and basic items (*pain robe stylo*).";i:1;s:71:"Day 2 : Numbers 21–100; asking about prices (*Ça coûte combien ?*).";i:2;s:58:"Day 3: Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives (*ce cette ces*).";i:3;s:45:"Day 4: Speaking: Role-play shopping dialogues";i:4;s:45:"Day 5: Writing: Write a short shopping list.";}
Week 5: Directions and Places
  • a:5:{i:0;s:61:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Places in a town (*école pharmacie gare*)";i:1;s:61:"Day 2: Prepositions of place (*à gauche à droite près de*)";i:2;s:44:"Day 3**: Grammar: *ler* in the present tense";i:3;s:50:"**Day 4**: Listening: Following simple directions.";i:4;s:43:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Asking for directions.";}
**Week 6: Food and Dining**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:72:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Meals and drinks (*le petit déjeuner le café*).";i:1;s:64:"**Day 2**: Phrases for ordering food (*Je voudrais un sandwich*)";i:2;s:63:"**Day 3**: Grammar: *prendre* and *boire* in the present tense.";i:3;s:54:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding a restaurant menu.";i:4;s:63:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Role-play ordering in a café or restauran";}
**Week 7: Descriptions**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Adjectives for describing people (*grand intelligent*).";i:1;s:61:"**Day 2**: Grammar: Adjective agreement in gender and number.";i:2;s:82:"**Day 3**: Talking about someone’s appearance (*Il est grand. Elle est belle.*).";i:3;s:55:"**Day 4**: Writing: Describe a friend or family member.";i:4;s:49:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice describing someone.";}
**Week 8: Travel**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:58:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).";i:1;s:78:"**Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).";i:2;s:64:"**Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).";i:3;s:57:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.";i:4;s:45:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.";}
**Week 9: Talking About Hobbies**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:58:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).";i:1;s:78:"**Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).";i:2;s:64:"**Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).";i:3;s:57:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.";i:4;s:45:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.";}
**Week 9: Talking About Hobbies**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:74:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Hobbies and activities (*lire regarder la télé*).";i:1;s:62:"**Day 2**: Expressing preferences (*J’aime je n’aime pas*)";i:2;s:54:"**Day 3**: Grammar: Conjugation of *faire* and *jouer*";i:3;s:51:"**Day 4**: Writing: A paragraph about your hobbies.";i:4;s:49:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Discussing hobbies in pairs.";}
**Week 10: Weather and Seasons**
  • a:3:{i:0;s:70:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Weather expressions (*il fait chaud il pleut*).";i:1;s:68:"**Day 2**: Grammar: Basic use of *il y a* (e.g. *il y a du soleil*).";i:2;s:43:"**Day 3**: Describing your favorite season.";}

Course Syllabus

  • Day 1 : Introduction to the French alphabet pronunciation and accents.
  • Day 2: Greetings and farewells (*bonjour* *au revoir* *salut*).
  • Day 3 Introducing yourself (name nationality) and asking for basic information (*Comment tu t’appelles ?*).
  • Day 4 Numbers 0–20; days of the week; simple dialogue practice.
  • Day 5: Grammar: Subject pronouns (*je tu il/elle*) present tense of *être* and *avoir*.

  • Day 1 : Vocabulary: Professions and nationalities.
  • Day 2: Describing yourself (*Je suis étudiant/e*).
  • Day 3: Family vocabulary and introducing others (*C’est mon père*).
  • Day 4 : Grammar: Gender and number of nouns; possessive adjectives (*mon ma mes*).
  • Day 5: Listening: Simple introductions; Writing: Describe yourself in 5–6 sentences.

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Common activities (e.g. *manger* *travailler*).
  • Day 2: Talking about your day using simple phrases.
  • Day 3 : Grammar: Present tense of *-er* verbs (e.g. *parler jouer*).
  • Day 4 : Time expressions (*le matin l’après-midi le soir*).
  • Day 5: Speaking: Role-play describing your routine

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Food clothing and basic items (*pain robe stylo*).
  • Day 2 : Numbers 21–100; asking about prices (*Ça coûte combien ?*).
  • Day 3: Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives (*ce cette ces*).
  • Day 4: Speaking: Role-play shopping dialogues
  • Day 5: Writing: Write a short shopping list.

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Places in a town (*école pharmacie gare*)
  • Day 2: Prepositions of place (*à gauche à droite près de*)
  • Day 3**: Grammar: *ler* in the present tense
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Following simple directions.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Asking for directions.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Meals and drinks (*le petit déjeuner le café*).
  • **Day 2**: Phrases for ordering food (*Je voudrais un sandwich*)
  • **Day 3**: Grammar: *prendre* and *boire* in the present tense.
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding a restaurant menu.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Role-play ordering in a café or restauran

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Adjectives for describing people (*grand intelligent*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: Adjective agreement in gender and number.
  • **Day 3**: Talking about someone’s appearance (*Il est grand. Elle est belle.*).
  • **Day 4**: Writing: Describe a friend or family member.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice describing someone.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).
  • **Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).
  • **Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Hobbies and activities (*lire regarder la télé*).
  • **Day 2**: Expressing preferences (*J’aime je n’aime pas*)
  • **Day 3**: Grammar: Conjugation of *faire* and *jouer*
  • **Day 4**: Writing: A paragraph about your hobbies.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Discussing hobbies in pairs.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Weather expressions (*il fait chaud il pleut*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: Basic use of *il y a* (e.g. *il y a du soleil*).
  • **Day 3**: Describing your favorite season.


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Learn French

The A1, A2, and B1 levels in French are part of the *Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)*, which outlines progressive stages of language proficiency. Here's what you typically learn at each level:

  • A1 (Beginner) At the A1 level, learners can understand and use basic French expressions and phrases to meet immediate needs. Key focus areas include: Listening and Speaking - Understanding simple, slow speech (e.g., greetings, introductions). - Introduci
  • A2 (Elementary) At this level, learners can communicate in simple, routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information. Key focus areas include: Listening and Speaking - Understanding simple spoken phrases in predictable contexts (e.g., shopping, o
  • B1 (Intermediate) At the B1 level, learners can handle day-to-day situations independently and express opinions on familiar topics. Key focus areas include: Listening and Speaking - Understanding main ideas in clear standard speech about familiar topics.

Who this course is for:

  • French Corporate Trainers are essential for businesses that interact with French-speaking clients, partners, or markets.

Meet your instructors


Pranika Bindra

French Instructor


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Access to rich supplementary resources provides additional materials and content for a more thorough educational journey.

Course Syllabus

  • Day 1 : Introduction to the French alphabet pronunciation and accents.
  • Day 2: Greetings and farewells (*bonjour* *au revoir* *salut*).
  • Day 3 Introducing yourself (name nationality) and asking for basic information (*Comment tu t’appelles ?*).
  • Day 4 Numbers 0–20; days of the week; simple dialogue practice.
  • Day 5: Grammar: Subject pronouns (*je tu il/elle*) present tense of *être* and *avoir*.

  • Day 1 : Vocabulary: Professions and nationalities.
  • Day 2: Describing yourself (*Je suis étudiant/e*).
  • Day 3: Family vocabulary and introducing others (*C’est mon père*).
  • Day 4 : Grammar: Gender and number of nouns; possessive adjectives (*mon ma mes*).
  • Day 5: Listening: Simple introductions; Writing: Describe yourself in 5–6 sentences.

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Common activities (e.g. *manger* *travailler*).
  • Day 2: Talking about your day using simple phrases.
  • Day 3 : Grammar: Present tense of *-er* verbs (e.g. *parler jouer*).
  • Day 4 : Time expressions (*le matin l’après-midi le soir*).
  • Day 5: Speaking: Role-play describing your routine

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Food clothing and basic items (*pain robe stylo*).
  • Day 2 : Numbers 21–100; asking about prices (*Ça coûte combien ?*).
  • Day 3: Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives (*ce cette ces*).
  • Day 4: Speaking: Role-play shopping dialogues
  • Day 5: Writing: Write a short shopping list.

  • Day 1: Vocabulary: Places in a town (*école pharmacie gare*)
  • Day 2: Prepositions of place (*à gauche à droite près de*)
  • Day 3**: Grammar: *ler* in the present tense
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Following simple directions.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Asking for directions.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Meals and drinks (*le petit déjeuner le café*).
  • **Day 2**: Phrases for ordering food (*Je voudrais un sandwich*)
  • **Day 3**: Grammar: *prendre* and *boire* in the present tense.
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding a restaurant menu.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Role-play ordering in a café or restauran

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Adjectives for describing people (*grand intelligent*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: Adjective agreement in gender and number.
  • **Day 3**: Talking about someone’s appearance (*Il est grand. Elle est belle.*).
  • **Day 4**: Writing: Describe a friend or family member.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice describing someone.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).
  • **Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).
  • **Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).
  • **Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Hobbies and activities (*lire regarder la télé*).
  • **Day 2**: Expressing preferences (*J’aime je n’aime pas*)
  • **Day 3**: Grammar: Conjugation of *faire* and *jouer*
  • **Day 4**: Writing: A paragraph about your hobbies.
  • **Day 5**: Speaking: Discussing hobbies in pairs.

  • **Day 1**: Vocabulary: Weather expressions (*il fait chaud il pleut*).
  • **Day 2**: Grammar: Basic use of *il y a* (e.g. *il y a du soleil*).
  • **Day 3**: Describing your favorite season.

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Course Syllabus

A1 LEVEL -Week 1: Introduction to French
  • a:5:{i:0;s:70:"Day 1 : Introduction to the French alphabet pronunciation and accents.";i:1;s:63:"Day 2: Greetings and farewells (*bonjour* *au revoir* *salut*).";i:2;s:109:"Day 3 Introducing yourself (name nationality) and asking for basic information (*Comment tu t’appelles ?*).";i:3;s:65:"Day 4 Numbers 0–20; days of the week; simple dialogue practice.";i:4;s:88:"Day 5: Grammar: Subject pronouns (*je tu il/elle*) present tense of *être* and *avoir*.";}
Week 2: Talking About Yourself
  • a:5:{i:0;s:50:"Day 1 : Vocabulary: Professions and nationalities.";i:1;s:51:"Day 2: Describing yourself (*Je suis étudiant/e*).";i:2;s:70:"Day 3: Family vocabulary and introducing others (*C’est mon père*).";i:3;s:82:"Day 4 : Grammar: Gender and number of nouns; possessive adjectives (*mon ma mes*).";i:4;s:87:"Day 5: Listening: Simple introductions; Writing: Describe yourself in 5–6 sentences.";}
Week 3: Daily Routines
  • a:5:{i:0;s:66:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Common activities (e.g. *manger* *travailler*).";i:1;s:52:"Day 2: Talking about your day using simple phrases.";i:2;s:68:"Day 3 : Grammar: Present tense of *-er* verbs (e.g. *parler jouer*).";i:3;s:62:"Day 4 : Time expressions (*le matin l’après-midi le soir*).";i:4;s:50:"Day 5: Speaking: Role-play describing your routine";}
Week 4: Shopping and Numbers**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:69:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Food clothing and basic items (*pain robe stylo*).";i:1;s:71:"Day 2 : Numbers 21–100; asking about prices (*Ça coûte combien ?*).";i:2;s:58:"Day 3: Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives (*ce cette ces*).";i:3;s:45:"Day 4: Speaking: Role-play shopping dialogues";i:4;s:45:"Day 5: Writing: Write a short shopping list.";}
Week 5: Directions and Places
  • a:5:{i:0;s:61:"Day 1: Vocabulary: Places in a town (*école pharmacie gare*)";i:1;s:61:"Day 2: Prepositions of place (*à gauche à droite près de*)";i:2;s:44:"Day 3**: Grammar: *ler* in the present tense";i:3;s:50:"**Day 4**: Listening: Following simple directions.";i:4;s:43:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Asking for directions.";}
**Week 6: Food and Dining**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:72:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Meals and drinks (*le petit déjeuner le café*).";i:1;s:64:"**Day 2**: Phrases for ordering food (*Je voudrais un sandwich*)";i:2;s:63:"**Day 3**: Grammar: *prendre* and *boire* in the present tense.";i:3;s:54:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding a restaurant menu.";i:4;s:63:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Role-play ordering in a café or restauran";}
**Week 7: Descriptions**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Adjectives for describing people (*grand intelligent*).";i:1;s:61:"**Day 2**: Grammar: Adjective agreement in gender and number.";i:2;s:82:"**Day 3**: Talking about someone’s appearance (*Il est grand. Elle est belle.*).";i:3;s:55:"**Day 4**: Writing: Describe a friend or family member.";i:4;s:49:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice describing someone.";}
**Week 8: Travel**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:58:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).";i:1;s:78:"**Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).";i:2;s:64:"**Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).";i:3;s:57:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.";i:4;s:45:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.";}
**Week 9: Talking About Hobbies**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:58:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Transportation (*train avion bus*).";i:1;s:78:"**Day 2**: Grammar: *aller* + infinitive for future plans (*Je vais voyager*).";i:2;s:64:"**Day 3**: Booking tickets (*Je voudrais un billet pour Paris*).";i:3;s:57:"**Day 4**: Listening: Understanding travel announcements.";i:4;s:45:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Practice booking a trip.";}
**Week 9: Talking About Hobbies**
  • a:5:{i:0;s:74:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Hobbies and activities (*lire regarder la télé*).";i:1;s:62:"**Day 2**: Expressing preferences (*J’aime je n’aime pas*)";i:2;s:54:"**Day 3**: Grammar: Conjugation of *faire* and *jouer*";i:3;s:51:"**Day 4**: Writing: A paragraph about your hobbies.";i:4;s:49:"**Day 5**: Speaking: Discussing hobbies in pairs.";}
**Week 10: Weather and Seasons**
  • a:3:{i:0;s:70:"**Day 1**: Vocabulary: Weather expressions (*il fait chaud il pleut*).";i:1;s:68:"**Day 2**: Grammar: Basic use of *il y a* (e.g. *il y a du soleil*).";i:2;s:43:"**Day 3**: Describing your favorite season.";}

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