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Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Enhance your cybersecurity skills with our comprehensive Ethical Hacking Course.

  • Category Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security
Ethical Hacking

What you'll learn

  • Basic understanding of cybersecurity concepts
  • Introduction to network security
  • Learning about common types of cyber threats and attacks
  • Hands-on experience with basic security tools
  • Introduction to ethical hacking and penetration testing principles

Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • a:3:{i:0;s:25:"Overview of cybersecurity";i:1;s:52:"Common cyber threats (viruses malware phishing etc.)";i:2;s:48:"The importance of cybersecurity in everyday life";}
Week 2: Basic Network Security
  • a:3:{i:0;s:34:"Introduction to networks (LAN WAN)";i:1;s:40:"What is a firewall and how does it work?";i:2;s:47:"Basics of network monitoring and security tools";}
Week 3: Understanding Cyber Threats and Attacks
  • a:3:{i:0;s:42:"Types of attacks: Phishing Ransomware DDoS";i:1;s:64:"Recognizing common cyber threats and how to protect against them";i:2;s:50:"Introduction to basic threat mitigation strategies";}
Week 4: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • a:3:{i:0;s:48:"What is ethical hacking and why is it important?";i:1;s:40:"Legal and ethical guidelines for hackers";i:2;s:50:"Basic hacking tools and techniques (e.g. scanning)";}
Week 5: Introduction to Penetration Testing
  • a:3:{i:0;s:47:"What is penetration testing and why is it done?";i:1;s:54:"Basic penetration testing tools (e.g. Nmap Metasploit)";i:2;s:61:"Hands-on lab: basic scanning and vulnerability identification";}
Week 6: Securing Your Digital Life
  • a:3:{i:0;s:53:"Creating strong passwords and using password managers";i:1;s:33:"Understanding encryption and VPNs";i:2;s:36:"Keeping your devices and data secure";}
Week 7: Hands-on Lab: Basic Cybersecurity Tools
  • a:3:{i:0;s:44:"Using free tools to scan for vulnerabilities";i:1;s:46:"Introduction to Wireshark for network analysis";i:2;s:53:"Hands-on lab: Scan a network and identify weak points";}
Week 8: Final Project and Certification
  • a:1:{i:0;s:54:"Final hands-on project: Secure a simulated environment";}

Course Syllabus

  • Overview of cybersecurity
  • Common cyber threats (viruses malware phishing etc.)
  • The importance of cybersecurity in everyday life

  • Introduction to networks (LAN WAN)
  • What is a firewall and how does it work?
  • Basics of network monitoring and security tools

  • Types of attacks: Phishing Ransomware DDoS
  • Recognizing common cyber threats and how to protect against them
  • Introduction to basic threat mitigation strategies

  • What is ethical hacking and why is it important?
  • Legal and ethical guidelines for hackers
  • Basic hacking tools and techniques (e.g. scanning)

  • What is penetration testing and why is it done?
  • Basic penetration testing tools (e.g. Nmap Metasploit)
  • Hands-on lab: basic scanning and vulnerability identification

  • Creating strong passwords and using password managers
  • Understanding encryption and VPNs
  • Keeping your devices and data secure

  • Using free tools to scan for vulnerabilities
  • Introduction to Wireshark for network analysis
  • Hands-on lab: Scan a network and identify weak points

  • Final hands-on project: Secure a simulated environment


  • Laptop/ computer run lightweight softwares
  • Good wifi



This course is tailored for beginners who are new to cybersecurity. It covers fundamental cybersecurity concepts, network security basics, and introduces ethical hacking and penetration testing. Through practical exercises and hands-on labs, students will gain the foundational knowledge needed to start a career in cybersecurity or further their IT security skills.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners interested in cybersecurity
  • Students who want to start a career in IT security
  • IT professionals seeking to switch to cybersecurity
  • Anyone curious about ethical hacking and online safety

Meet your instructors


Vivek Tyagi

EThical Hacking/Cyber Security/IT

With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Applications and certifications in CCNA, Cybersecurity, and Ethical Hacking, Vivek has over 3 years of experience as a cybersecurity and ethical hacking trainer. He has trained professionals in network defense, ethical hacking techniques, and penetration testing...


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Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • a:3:{i:0;s:25:"Overview of cybersecurity";i:1;s:52:"Common cyber threats (viruses malware phishing etc.)";i:2;s:48:"The importance of cybersecurity in everyday life";}
Week 2: Basic Network Security
  • a:3:{i:0;s:34:"Introduction to networks (LAN WAN)";i:1;s:40:"What is a firewall and how does it work?";i:2;s:47:"Basics of network monitoring and security tools";}
Week 3: Understanding Cyber Threats and Attacks
  • a:3:{i:0;s:42:"Types of attacks: Phishing Ransomware DDoS";i:1;s:64:"Recognizing common cyber threats and how to protect against them";i:2;s:50:"Introduction to basic threat mitigation strategies";}
Week 4: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • a:3:{i:0;s:48:"What is ethical hacking and why is it important?";i:1;s:40:"Legal and ethical guidelines for hackers";i:2;s:50:"Basic hacking tools and techniques (e.g. scanning)";}
Week 5: Introduction to Penetration Testing
  • a:3:{i:0;s:47:"What is penetration testing and why is it done?";i:1;s:54:"Basic penetration testing tools (e.g. Nmap Metasploit)";i:2;s:61:"Hands-on lab: basic scanning and vulnerability identification";}
Week 6: Securing Your Digital Life
  • a:3:{i:0;s:53:"Creating strong passwords and using password managers";i:1;s:33:"Understanding encryption and VPNs";i:2;s:36:"Keeping your devices and data secure";}
Week 7: Hands-on Lab: Basic Cybersecurity Tools
  • a:3:{i:0;s:44:"Using free tools to scan for vulnerabilities";i:1;s:46:"Introduction to Wireshark for network analysis";i:2;s:53:"Hands-on lab: Scan a network and identify weak points";}
Week 8: Final Project and Certification
  • a:1:{i:0;s:54:"Final hands-on project: Secure a simulated environment";}

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