Enhance your data analysis skills with Excel. This course will teach you how to effectively utilize Excel for analyzing and interpreting data. G
Data Analytics with Excel
This course on Data Analytics with Excel will teach you how to efficiently organize, clean, and analyze data using a range of Excel's powerful tools. You will learn how to perform statistical analysis, create dynamic visualizations, and build interactive reports with Pivot Tables and Charts. The course covers advanced Excel functions like VLOOKUP, logical formulas, and array functions to help you solve complex data problems. Whether you're working with sales data, financial metrics, or market research, this course will provide the skills needed to uncover insights and make data-driven decisions.
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board. Its a test
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.
Exclusive access to Great Learning job board, Exclusive access to Great Learning job board.
Lead digital transformation in your organization by mastering the core concepts of generative artificial intelligence and its potential impact.
Master and integrate prompt engineering to optimize day-to-day tasks and automate workflows.
Foster an “AI friendly” culture in your organization by understanding the ethical aspects and the risks associated with the implementation of this technology.
Explore tools such as ChatGPT, as well as other emerging technologies, to improve productivity.
Interact with MIT experts, instructors, and peers in live synchronous sessions for a more comprehensive learning experience.
Access to rich supplementary resources provides additional materials and content for a more thorough educational journey.
Train your employees in the most in-demand topics, with edX for Business.
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