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Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Employee Relationship

  • Category People Management & HR
Conflict Resolution

What you'll learn

  • Stop feeling distracted, anxious, or frustrated about conflict with your coworkers, boss, or employees
  • Stop avoiding conflict and allowing tension and resentment to fester, leading to long term consequences
  • Get to the root cause of conflicts and prevent resentment from lingering and conflicts from re-occurring
  • Establish conflict resolution guidelines, procedures, and training for your organization
  • Identify warning signs and prevent or minimize conflict before it starts Know your conflict management style and how to improve your reactions
  • Use proven strategies and powerful communication skills to prevent and manage conflict

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • a:6:{i:0;s:135:"Definition and importance Common types of conflict: interpersonal organizational and societal Understanding the Root Causes of Conflict";i:1;s:172:"Personality differences and cultural influences Miscommunication and unmet expectations Power dynamics and resource constraints Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution";i:2;s:134:"Active listening and paraphrasing Non-verbal communication cues Assertiveness vs. aggression Conflict Resolution Models and Techniques";i:3;s:159:"Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Interest-based relational approaches Problem-solving and compromise techniques Emotional Intelligence in Conflict";i:4;s:173:"Managing personal emotions during conflicts Recognizing and responding to others’ emotions Building resilience in high-conflict situations Negotiation and Mediation Skills";i:5;s:149:"Preparing for and conducting negotiations Mediation principles and techniques Handling impasses and finding win-win solutions Real-World Applications";}
Workplace conflict scenarios
  • a:6:{i:0;s:110:"Personal and family relationship conflicts Community and societal disputes Building a Culture of Collaboration";i:1;s:113:"Encouraging open communication Establishing trust and respect Sustaining long-term conflict resolution strategies";i:2;s:59:"Course Delivery Format: Interactive online/offline sessions";i:3;s:44:"Workshops and role-plays Assessment: Quizzes";i:4;s:42:"Role-playing exercises and a final project";i:5;s:253:"Key Benefits Enhance leadership and interpersonal skills. Improve workplace relationships and productivity. Build a personal toolkit for managing stress and emotions during conflicts. Develop a collaborative mindset to turn conflicts into opportunities.";}

Course Syllabus

  • Definition and importance Common types of conflict: interpersonal organizational and societal Understanding the Root Causes of Conflict
  • Personality differences and cultural influences Miscommunication and unmet expectations Power dynamics and resource constraints Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution
  • Active listening and paraphrasing Non-verbal communication cues Assertiveness vs. aggression Conflict Resolution Models and Techniques
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Interest-based relational approaches Problem-solving and compromise techniques Emotional Intelligence in Conflict
  • Managing personal emotions during conflicts Recognizing and responding to others’ emotions Building resilience in high-conflict situations Negotiation and Mediation Skills
  • Preparing for and conducting negotiations Mediation principles and techniques Handling impasses and finding win-win solutions Real-World Applications

  • Personal and family relationship conflicts Community and societal disputes Building a Culture of Collaboration
  • Encouraging open communication Establishing trust and respect Sustaining long-term conflict resolution strategies
  • Course Delivery Format: Interactive online/offline sessions
  • Workshops and role-plays Assessment: Quizzes
  • Role-playing exercises and a final project
  • Key Benefits Enhance leadership and interpersonal skills. Improve workplace relationships and productivity. Build a personal toolkit for managing stress and emotions during conflicts. Develop a collaborative mindset to turn conflicts into opportunities.


  • Laptop/ computer run lightweight softwares
  • Good wifi


Conflict Resolution

Learning Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the dynamics of conflict and its impact on relationships and organizations.
  • Identify common sources and types of conflicts in professional and personal environments.
  • Develop critical communication skills, including active listening, empathy, and assertiveness.
  • Apply conflict resolution models, such as interest-based relational approaches, negotiation, and mediation techniques. Manage emotions and build emotional intelligence to handle high-stress situations effectively.
  • Foster positive outcomes and long-term solutions through collaboration and mutual understanding.

Who this course is for:

  • Managers and Team Leaders: To manage workplace disputes and enhance team dynamics.
  • HR Professionals: To handle employee relations and grievances effectively.
  • Educators and Coaches: To guide students and clients through conflict resolution processes.
  • Legal and Mediation Professionals: To strengthen negotiation and arbitration skills.
  • Individuals: To improve personal relationships and interpersonal skills.

Meet your instructors


Ashfaque Ajani


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Course Syllabus

Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • a:6:{i:0;s:135:"Definition and importance Common types of conflict: interpersonal organizational and societal Understanding the Root Causes of Conflict";i:1;s:172:"Personality differences and cultural influences Miscommunication and unmet expectations Power dynamics and resource constraints Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution";i:2;s:134:"Active listening and paraphrasing Non-verbal communication cues Assertiveness vs. aggression Conflict Resolution Models and Techniques";i:3;s:159:"Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Interest-based relational approaches Problem-solving and compromise techniques Emotional Intelligence in Conflict";i:4;s:173:"Managing personal emotions during conflicts Recognizing and responding to others’ emotions Building resilience in high-conflict situations Negotiation and Mediation Skills";i:5;s:149:"Preparing for and conducting negotiations Mediation principles and techniques Handling impasses and finding win-win solutions Real-World Applications";}
Workplace conflict scenarios
  • a:6:{i:0;s:110:"Personal and family relationship conflicts Community and societal disputes Building a Culture of Collaboration";i:1;s:113:"Encouraging open communication Establishing trust and respect Sustaining long-term conflict resolution strategies";i:2;s:59:"Course Delivery Format: Interactive online/offline sessions";i:3;s:44:"Workshops and role-plays Assessment: Quizzes";i:4;s:42:"Role-playing exercises and a final project";i:5;s:253:"Key Benefits Enhance leadership and interpersonal skills. Improve workplace relationships and productivity. Build a personal toolkit for managing stress and emotions during conflicts. Develop a collaborative mindset to turn conflicts into opportunities.";}

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